Please select a car park!

"Murvás" parking lot

Our fans can use the gravel parking lot of our club, which can be reached by car only from the Rákóczi Bridge, from the Könyves Kálmán körút.

Anyone arriving from the other direction, from Üllői út on Könyves Kálmán körút, can return at Lurdy House. In front of the Shell gas station at Lurdy Ház, turn right from Könyves Kálmán, then behind the gas station to the Lurdy House, then turn right and then twice left onto Mester utca, from where you can turn left again at Könyves Kálmán körút .

We try to help you find your way around the parking lot with signs. Parking is available for HUF 500.

We would like to draw the attention of our fans to pay more attention to the traffic regulations when parking in the surrounding streets, because increased control is expected during the matches. Improper parking may result in wheel clamps and infringement proceedings.

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Telekom garage

During the matches, our fans have the opportunity to park in the underground garage of Magyar Telekom Plc.'s headquarters, which can be approached from Könyves Kálmán körút. The car park can be used for HUF 2,500.

We would like to draw the attention of our fans to pay more attention to the traffic regulations when parking in the surrounding streets, because increased control is expected during the matches. Improper parking may result in wheel clamps and infringement proceedings.

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MVM Dome`s P1 parking lot

Our fans can use the MVM Dome`s parking lot for a fee of 1500 HUF. The tickets can be purchased online only.

Our fans who arrive to the stadium from the city center can access the parking lot upon turning right at the traffic lights right after crossing the overpass on Üllői street.

Those who arrive from Rákóczi bridge can get here in two ways: The first option is to turn right at Wallis Motor then turn left at the end of the road to reach the gravel car park of MVM Dome. The second option is to go along the Könyves Kálmán Boulevard, then turn right in front of the overpass to Üllői út and then right again at the traffic lights.

For those who arrive from the direction of Népliget on the Könyves Kálmán Boulevard should keep left under the overpass then turn right at the traffic lights to access the parking lot. All those who are heading towards the city center while approaching the stadium should turn left at the traffic lights before the overpass and the parking lot can be found upon turning right at the lights.

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